


Miriam Tognella, aka DISORDER, is a visual designer and digital artist based in Rome. She debuts with her first series of works, gathered in a collection that represents her artistic work under the name of Disorder Design.

She integrates visual languages from different artistic contexts and historical periods, blending them into a personal vision that transcends traditional boundaries: a creative process aimed at overturning the conventions assigned to ages, cultures, and genres.

With technological advancement and the speed of internet connections, an interweaving of aesthetic languages has developed that has merged traditional cultural identities, leading to new fluid and transient artistic expressions. DISORDER aims to capture these moments in a new classicism that hybridizes genres and styles.

Her works draw from Western classical art, reinvented through the lens of Japanese pop aesthetics, with a particular focus on the cyberpunk of the ‘90s.

These elements combine to create visions that are both futuristic and nostalgic.

The goal is to capture the observer’s gaze, if only for a moment, to invite reflection on a symbolic vision that arises from the fusion of past and present, blending various cultural languages.